Name: Kyria Leatherby
Facebook: Facebook,com/ Artistic Visions by Kyria
Representing team dark, Drada is a humanoid being living amongst the smog and mist in the over grown swamp lands. Living in isolation, scavenging for not only food and drinkable water, but also for the undead themselves. Practicing and perfection her art in necromancy Drada is always on the hunt for new souls to add to her collection.

During the sketching process, I knew right away I wanted her figure to be more thin and slender. With that I also didn't want her to have any hair. for this character I wanted to go in a more tribal warrior route. this eventually evolved the idea of her being a necromancer and a spiritual figure. Being a creature that scraps everything together, from her clothes to her weapons.

After sketching the final mock up for her figure I went on to her color palette for her skin. There were many ideas I had for her skin tone that I played around with. I narrowed it down to number 3, 4, and 6, based on feed back and overall theme I was going for.

Being a tribal warrior I wanted to give her a more rugged and torn look to the clothes she'll wear under her armor. so with that I placed the clothes design on each of the final skin tone selections.