Hello Cubebrush Community!

With the start of my holidays and a reassessment of what I want to do with my art and push, I'm focusing on my Runic project. This is a story I have been working on for all too long. Through it I hope to improve as well. So I will be creating concept art and illustrations to help tell this story to share with you all. I am always open for critiques and feedback so please don't be a stranger :wink:.

I hope to create enough to account for an artbook between now and the end of January. So we shall see if that can be done. Some of the pieces I do plan to build in 3D as well.

So with that started, hope you enjoy this first piece, Bowen Aislan. He is the main protagonist in this story. Bowen is fairly quiet and driven with a dark past. He has lived the last 8 years on the great pirate ship, the Bloody Leviathan. Time will tell more on his past, what drives him, and how he will grow.