Share and grow together

This section will be all about the ART School project!

Share your progress, share feedback and help each other grow as artists. Create a topic for your entire journey and keep updating it to track your progress over time!

Remember, have fun!!

Please take a second to read these guidelines:

  1. When creating a new topic in the Art School category, please follow this naming convention to make things easier for everyone

    Student Name - Topic Name

  2. Remember, the more you help others, the more likely they'll help you!

  3. Everyone can contribute!

  4. Keep all content and references SFW please

3 years later

You're still in the same thread.... You need to make a new one haha

😣😫Thanks Von. LOL were was I when they explained what to do to uploade stuff?
Try again.

1 year later

3 months later

Hi, for some reason the discord link doesn’t work for me. Any idea why? Thanks :smile:

1 month later

Hi, when I click the link to join the discord server it says that it's expired.
Is there any way I could get a new link?

16 days later

excuse me I bought the individual single licence but I cannot open the files in my drop box , how should I do ?

Hello, I'm completely new on a forum like this in cubebrush, and I don't Know where I should go to post my work and receive feedback or help others giving my feedback.

Thank you

2 months later

29 days later

1 month later

Just got the program installed today I look forward to sharing my progress and seeing what everyone else has to share

New student here is this still active ? Or is anyone still posting on here?

4 months later

3 months later

First day of class! I’m excited to be apart of the community, cheers

2 months later

Hello everyone, anyone knows how to join the Discord? Marc talks about one in the introduction video.
[Edit] Nevermind, found how. Went back to the Art school for digital artists product page and opened the "Join the community.pdf" directly from there and found the link.

1 month later

Hello I'd like to know do I need to be in this Art school server to graduate. Thank You.

1 month later


I'm also struggling to get into the Discord. I sent Marc a message and he responded so I think he's working on it.

28 days later

Hi I brought this awhile ago and now just getting started.