Hello! I think these are a great start to build off of! The anatomy looks pretty close and I really like how you rendered the shirt in the second portrait. A couple things I notice in the first one is that her skin tone looks a little flat. She should have some red tones on her cheeks, nose, ears, and hands (esp. knuckles and fingertips). Skin isn't just shades of beige and brown, so it's important to incorporate some red because this helps makes the subject look less flat. It looks like you might have used pure black on her hair, nostril, mouth and eyes, which I would avoid. Pure black and white occur very rarely in nature, especially humans. For her nostril and mouth you could use a really dark, super saturated red (and maybe add a little of that to your shadows on her skin), to make her a little bit more lifelike. I really love the colors of the second portrait! I mostly just think she needs more texture. Right now I think her skin, lips and shirt all look pretty similar in texture. I would try maybe using a "spongier" looking brush for her skin, just too add a little more realism. For her eyelashes and eyebrows I would use a super small brush (on another layer if you can) and build those hairs up that way. I would suggest also changing the brush size a little bit every so often so you can get a variety of widths with the hair. I think you are off to a great start! Just experiment a little bit more with your colors and add some different textures. Good luck!

Thank you for the feedback. :smile: I did add a bit of red on her, but it seem like I didn't not put enough on her. It definitely could of been put stronger. She did have a lot of black on her in the reference picture but maybe I could of pulled back a bit on it , particularly the hair. I went strong on the lack and not enough for the red :smiley:

I really love the idea for using a more spongier brush for the skin, I'll need to do experiment with different brushes to find what is best for me. Thank you for that!