Hello guys, i'm pretty new to this forum and glad to be there!

I'm lemox, a graphic designer living and working in Belgium. I'll keep my age secret for now... Hehe.
As part of my trip through improvement in digital illustration and - maybe one day - mastering it, I've started a new personal challenge for that fresh-new year: get to 365 drawings, 1 each day, with a focus on some weekly targets (not fixed yet). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I'm obviously here to get your critique and tips, grow in my art and maybe make it sellable, step-by-step. Let me know your thoughts and ideas about this project, too. :grin:

So, let's get started with yesterday sketch.

01/01 - An archer

Hello and welcome!!

I'm trying to do daily sketches too! :smile:

One think I would say is as you do them, try to work in studies too. Either as your daily sketches, or along side with them. You will learn and grow much faster if you train both muscles at the same time!

Welcome lemox!

I'd say you don't have to color anything yet. Just start out with perfecting your linework like in your second day. Because I think it's a waste of time to color in - especially when the lineart isn't correct in anatomy yet.
So, I really like your dynamic poses, good job on that. There are some issues though: a bow shouldn't be pulled with an elbow that high up and her left arm seems drawn like it's her right arm. I also think her back is weirdly bent. Her actual right arm is bent in a way that is not possible.

So try to build up from simple shapes before sketching any detail :smile: Good luck!

Thanks for your answers and tips, I'm gonna focus on construction a bit more for the next ones! :smile: I'll try to forget colour as well... For now :smile:

There are some issues though: a bow shouldn't be pulled with an elbow that high up and her left arm seems drawn like it's her right arm. I also think her back is weirdly bent. Her actual right arm is bent in a way that is not possible.

Of course it is :-p I lack a bit of retreat on that one, you're obviously right :smile: I'll try to correct it. I think the problem on the left arm is partly due to the curved line cutting the two parts of it, actually.
I also tried to work from reference for that right arm but failed anyway; It's hard to find some good resources for that type of arm-positioning.

Thanks a lot for your feedback! :smile_cat:

One think I would say is as you do them, try to work in studies too. Either as your daily sketches, or along side with them. You will learn and grow much faster if you train both muscles at the same time!

Do you have any good ideas about that? :innocent:
I've been working a lot on quick gesture drawing last year, generally 1-2-5 minutes long. I'm a bit tired of that type of exercise, don't hesitate to give me your best training/study ideas. :wink:

Thanks a lot, I knew these websites already as I've worked a lot with quickposes (level 3, yeuh T^T) and a bit with Posemaniacs in the early days of my drawing life :smile: Seems like they'll launch an app for that first website one day (they a run a kickstarter-like for it).

Or is that studies about? I was thinking about learning from master drawings, or anatomy sheets etc. that you usually do at home :wink:

EDIT: these last gestures are from imagination, not reference.