(seeing that the ArtWar is nearing it's end, I may even have time to keep up a blog! :smile: )

Hi! I'm Acolet, game artist currently living in Slovakia.
Here I'm gonna share my works, from sketches to experiments, to finished pieces. All comments are welcome, hope you like!

Let me introduce myself a bit:

These are my favorite pieces I've done (all more than a year old!)

Last year I finished my college degree and spend some time making a portfolio hoping to get a job in art industry. And I did!! (I'm still not over that :grin: ) I've been working as a full time game artist for a mobile game company for the last three months.

Here's some bits from my portfolio for those who are interested:

What people don't tell you about being professional artist (and don't get me wrong, the job is great) is that after spending 7 hours painting at work, you are left too burned out to continue painting for yourself.
I'm still trying to find ways to get back into regular personal painting, even if just with simple sketches.

Here are some of the better ones:

Attempted fanart for my fav - D.va. And this is my take on half (quater?) orc

So something similar to this will be what you'll see here the most. (Yes, I do love greyscale. :smile: )

I also have a little pet project of trying different styles, both typical and vector (flat art especially!) so I'll try to show it too.

And at last, here's an early wip of a tiny self-portrait - I cut all my hair so my profile pic is not accurate anymore! :smile:

All right, let's start this!

Edit: I forgot to add it, but I usually save steps of paintings along the way. Just like on the old forums, if there's any piece of mine you are interested in seeing step-by-step of, feel free to ask :smile:

Nice seeing you here !:smile: will definitely look forward to your posts :smile_cat:

Loving your work! Can't wait to see more =)

Good to see you!

I can totally relate with being burnt out after work and having less time for personal art.

Those mobile game pieces are looking sweet. Would love to see more of those if you have any.
Looking forward to more :smile:

I like that you have such a variance in your work, it's refreshing!

awesome start to your sketchbook ^_^ quite interested in your small icon pieces like the sword and gems. do you use illustrator for work like that?

Finally posting some juicy art. Love it.

I'm glad to hear that you nailed your degree and got an art job, that's really cool! :smiley: I agree with the others, your portfolio pieces are very neat. I hope you will find a way to balance your personal art with your work because I'd love to see some WIP pieces finished (esp. the half orc gal). Take care and I'm looking forward to your next posts [:

I forgot how motivational starting an art blog is - I'm already making plans on what to put here next! :))

@chriswhatelse Thank you so much!

@luckyyy I'm glad you like it, can't wait to post more! :))

@Iago_Cavalcante thank you! Elfs are my favorite to paint, haha.

@aveon well, some would call it a minus :stuck_out_tongue: thank you!!

@malcom hell yeah! :smile: Thanks for dropping by!

@Jamethy thank you so much! Apart from those two, I did some buttons and then this vector guy:

And right now I'm finishing my first official game at work! :smile: Will post it here for sure, but I have to wait until it is released and that may take some time.

@crowbit thank you! Those were done in Photoshop, I did this character and a set of buttons in Illustrator.
If you are interested in mobile game icons, you need to check Jack's Share (or DevilJack) - as far as I can tell it's an online academy, but their tutorials are top-notch and helped me immensely with making the icons.
(there are many more and in higher resolutions if you are willing to look for them with google translator :D)

@soluxos Thank you so much!! :purple_heart:
Sigh, finishing pieces is the hardest, because even if I find the time, it's easier to just start something new :persevere: Hoping the weekly challenges will be motivation enough to start seriously again!

Forgot to post this, I made it for a friend some time ago, he didn't understand what I meant by painting 'lineless' - might be interesting for some of you too! This is my usual painting process:

(What's the advantage you ask? well, for starters - the whole thing was done under 30 minutes :smile: )

So much skill! 😍 Really like your pieces and the variety.

Thanks for posting the line-less style breakdown. That's something I struggle with a lot. Looking forward to future updates. :smile:

It's nice to see you posting your stuff. I love the things you've posted so far. And congratulations for getting the job as a game artist! That's pretty cool to hear.

Sometimes I get to work at 7am just so I can get some 20-30 minutes of sketching before the others arrive. It's probably not much to look at, but practice is practice, right?

^me and clean lines... we don't get along very well

@jenniferbrincho thank you, I'm glad you like it!
I forgot to add it to the main post, but the way I work, I usually save steps along the way. Just like on the old forum, if there's any piece of mine you are interested in seeing step-by-step of, you just need to ask :smile:

@cedricgo Thank you Cedric! It has been my dream (that I barely hoped would come true) for ages. Reality is waaaay different than what I dreamt :P, but it's still cool.

Ooh. Finally some art from you! :smiley: Looking forward to more updates~

20 minutes might not be much time, but I still think that those portraits look lovely! I probably couldn't do anything as good given so little time, so good job!

4 months later

Nice work so far! Definitely like those icons with the Sword, Scroll and Potion, should do more stuff like that

I like the portraits painting especially the subtle values that you put.
Really dig the game icon as well.
I'd like to see more of game related drawing and painting as i'm learning and trying to get into the industry as character concept artist.


1 month later

2 years later

Hi, I really enjoyed the portraits studies, looks interesting the aproach to paint the faces, im tied to my lines to visualize my final picture, ill try it.

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