More skeleton / Cylinder Practice, and have worked in the proportion exercises. Switching over to the perspective videos for the rest of my free time today. Really surprised to be enjoying re-learning these basics and it's already helping me be more critical of my other work.

Thank you!! Lots of art in college. a big break from taking art seriously. then got back into art... got a tablet and here we are.

Looks very clean and as far as I can see the lines are correct! Good job! :smile:

Good perspective work! I also like how clean your proportion exercises look.

Really nice! the curves are very well done. especially the TV.

I've finally worked gesture drawing into my daily routine. Am going to continue proportion exercise for the time being because its easy and is really going to help cement these ideas in my head. Below is my full figure from reference assignment using measurement tools. Going to keep working on this in a less developed capacity.

Hope everyone has an awesome week!

Good job, Adam!
I especially like the one on the bottom left, it conveys a good sense of depth! :smile:

First of all, thank you @OpaqueApple

Started the term 2 classes and I'm dropping some of that practice working on the head. Having to force myself to slow down and Re-learn a lot of this has been a bit difficult but I'm sure i'll see the difference down the road. I know these are a bit messy and some of the foreshortened ones need a bit of work. Going to continue this exercise for sure.

I've rolled the head exercises into my daily warm ups. So I'm doing 8-10 heads from different angles every day. Here I've finally got some Anatomy 2 practice (ears and Noses). So much good knowledge in here. Sad to say it but in all the studio art classes I took in college, none of my professors brought even a fraction of the knowledge of anatomy that Marc is sharing. Wish I would have educated myself sooner.