Hey everyone. I'm pretty much a novice at art. I've taken a single class in high school and since then I've picked it up every once in a while only to drop it again after a week or 2. I plan to stick with this as best as I can and see how far I can get by the time the year is over. While I'm sure I'll dabble in other areas, I'm more than likely going to focus on drawing characters. If anyone wants or needs an accountability partner, feel free to reach out. I know I could definitely use one :smile:
Looking forward to working with ya'll over the coming year!

Nice, welcome aboard and enjoy the ride


Welcome to the forums, looking foward to see your progress :smile:

Welcome! I'm a novice too but I will try my best to help you :smile:

Welcome welcome. I'm right here with ya. As for the Accountability partner i think we all are for each other. I'm following this one now, looking forward to seeing your progress.
Again Welcome!