Welcome! :smiley:
Really like your work!

Looking great so far! With the first one I do wonder which colours you'll be using to make the vocal point pop. It's hard to find one yet. Will you be colouring/finishing both drawings?

Yes! Ill be working on 2 more, cleaning them all up and then adding color

Wonderful! Looking forward to seeing the results! Good luck. :smile:

Ha! I'm down with the vape sorceress. Cant wait.

The Vape Sorceress and the Coffee Priestess are such cool ideas/designs!! I can't wait to see you render them out! Nice work so far! ^__^

Welcome to the site! I really like the stuff you have posted so far. You have really cool ideas and very nice style to go with it. I'm looking forward to see how your two latest piece will turn out.

Keep up the great work!