It's the start of a new week and we all know what that means - New challenge!



Week 1 will be a focus on drawing shape and form.
In this week you'll be tasked with 3 challenges.
1. Drawing basic shapes: Spheres, Cylinders, Boxes and a Cones in space. Draw the center line in all your shapes Fill a page with. 8.5x11 or bigger
2. Drawing 5 boxes or cylinders in 1 point and 2 point perspective
3. Combining all the shapes together to create new shapes
Bonus 1. Use the geometric shapes to create an simple isometric environment
Bonus 2. Add Shading to your shapes.

Post finished pieces here by the deadline. Use the edit feature to post updates as to not clutter the topic.


  • Saturday at 11h59 PST


  • Post your entry in this topic
  • No art recycling, the entry must be made for this challenge specifically
  • Entries can be in any medium (2D/3D/4D?)
  • No AI Art
  • Combining different challenges is ok


Artwork will be shared on the header of the cubebrush forums as well as social media platforms.

If you want us to tag you on social media, be sure to include your @user for both Instagram and Twitter in your post!


pinned Apr 2, '23

For part 1; literally just fill a page with random geometric shapes? Also, is there a preference for traditional versus digital? Some drawing programs have tools to help with perspective drawing.

Yes, for part 1 just fill a page with geometric shapes.
There is no preference for traditional versus digital. If you like drawing on paper, go for it. :+1:
I'm not against using the perspective tools. In a professional setting, you'll be using them. Its good to practice both free hand and using a helper tool. Whatever is comfortable to you.

I kind of combined some of the challenges (I hope that's okay). These will count as my 1-point perspective shapes:

Shapes with center lines:

Shapes with shading:

I haven't started on the 2-point perspective yet; hopefully I'll have it finished by the deadline.

I was able to get the 2-point perspective finished. In the end, it wasn't quite as elaborate as I had originally imagined (I kind of made it up as I went along instead of planning it out first). Still, I think it turned out okay though I feel like the shadows may not be entirely accurate; I tried to do them the right way in perspective but it's a technique I need to work on:

Combining is fine with me. Great job on this.

I added it to the rules so others feel ok to do the same.

Here is my post. I will make another update later today.

Looking good; I like the complex shapes at the bottom (I wish I had done more of those).

Thank you. I wish I did more myself but I got busy during the end of the week.

9 days later