Here is the room from one point perspective. I feel like I should have put more detail into it as it feels a bit empty. Maybe it is a composition problem?
I feel the greatest challenge was putting all the items on the shelf in perspective like books and all figures. And windows.
Altogether I feel (hope) the perspective holds and my other skills or rather lack of them mostly bother me with this one
Please let me know if those need any corrections! Xx
It could be composition but the details you do have are already creating a good amount of mood I think. The first thing I'd try is reducing the weight of the lines in the very back and increasing it for the things on the desk, that should help the detail of the desk pop out more. Good work though! I like the style of this.
1 month later
Hi! First, update in a while, but I promise I have been secretly doodling
I have finally found the courage to do my first full figure drawing from 1 term - this is my first figure drawing ever so I would really appreciate some constructive feedback. I am mostly worried about the head position - I was trying to find the most natural one but somehow it still looks weird - I can't pinpoint what is wrong
Thak you gang!
The back of the skull in missing in your drawing (especially toward the top). Try searching up what the human skull looks like. Or just by looking at the reference. I highly encourage looking up a skull though, and maybe even doing some observational drawings of them!
Your neck also seems very thin compared to the reference. Watch out for forms in the shadow.
Your lines look nice and clean!
I have finished a building drawing in 2 point perspective. It was fun to see how perspective straight away makes boring drawing more interesting! The biggest challenge was (surprisingly) drawing the well in the right perspective. I have tried a few times and in the end I got to it by drawing a box first and then trying to fit a cylinder in. I feel that it was a bit of a dum-dum method though. Is there any easier/ quicker approach to drawing circular objects in 2 point perspective?
A different issue is an ivy wall - it is made from a self-made brush - but I feel it does not "fit" the drawing, and also has a sad tendency to look like messy spray if I make the picture any smaller. Is it because I painted it too thick or did I made the brush itself too dense or poorly defined?
If you see any issues with perspective please let me know!
This is looking very nice! Congrats on having the patience and perseverance (I struggle a lot with making detailed perspective work!)
So, perspective wise, it looks mostly accurate. I think the topmost window over the platform is slightly off. Apart from that the symbol on the door looks a little skewed and larger on the left, but as it is slightly going to the left, it should be smaller to that side.
Then the proportions, I'm not 100% sure, but I think the doors on the houses to the right should be smaller than the house on the left, and the house on the left
As for the foliage, I think you did a great job as you drew each curve or leaf on its own, you didn't make it too messy or badly defined. I'd say maybe one solution to your problem could be to use a better defined brush, higher res image or if it's too busy, to imply some of the lines rather than draw them completely. If you under-paint this lightly with a textured brush and give it a water color feel you can more than imply the foliage without having to draw every detail for example.
Great work!