Hello , my name is Nina , living in the Southwest of the UK and I am self taught.
Back to doing some artwork again after a very long break looking after my kids. They are teenagers now so I finally got myself an Ugee 2150 tablet monitor and I am catching up on lost time.

This is a selection of my finished requests and commissions. Been doing digital art for a couple months now and still learning every day and trying to improve.
Currently working my way through a couple months worth of Warcraft commissions and in the process of building a site.

I'm also on here
And here

Thank you for stopping by.
Neen x

Some digital work

Hey there. Would like to say first welcome to cubebrush :cb:
You have some really nice pieces. The only really critique I have at the moment is for you to work on having more hard edges. You have a really soft look in different areas in you work. Looking at the Janine piece the armor on her torso is blending a bit into her skin. You want to define the edge there. Keep up the good work.

Hi ! Thank you very much for the welcome ! I am still a bit wishy-washy on my edge work and values for sure! I am binge watching tutorials as much as can, next piece I think I will start in greyscale so I can address some of my weaknesses.
Thank you so much for taking time to look and advise. xx Much appreciated