Her eyes are so pretty!

It was the reason why I wanted to draw this picture, they drew me in :smile:

Got something quickdone while watching this weeks live stream. Still working on my anatomy.

Hey Nice collection u have here :D. I got some feedback for the portrait. You did a good job with the low camera angle . I'd say try to add a bit of red for the skin tone especially in the cheeks, nose and eyelids. Also the lips seem a bit too large for a female. Well hope this helps and keep up the good work and keep rockin' dat stylus.

9 days later

Sooo, I am certain I will feel a bit stupid asking, but I was away for a while and noticed the art streams while perusing you tube, and I am having trouble finding info on when those are live.

I assume that I am missing some form of communication here, can anyone help out?

If you have purchased the Art School product and are a member of the Art School Facebook group, you can see Marc putting up streaming times regularly. You can also receive a notification for the upcoming stream from there, I think 1 day before the actual stream. They're always on Saturday.

This is what I painted during today's stream.

Bench Park At Night

Holy shit. That's one of my fears when I sit on a bench in the dark....

I can understand that. But if I can reassure you, I'm pretty sure humanoid shadow creatures aren't real, so sit on all the benches you want at night. Just like I'm doing right n.............. [signal lost]

Very reassuring indeed...

So I unfortunately missed the stream yesterday. I wasn't too inspired, but here's what I drew while watching it today.

I love your creepy art so much! Ever thought of sculpting one of your creatures in 3D? Clay for example?

Thank youuuuuuu! It's funny that you say that because months ago I took an interest in paper maché, but I never figure out what actually do as my first sculpture. But I like your idea. I did a sketch of a little creature concept that I'll post in my sketchbook thread if you're interested :smile:

I just saw your new creature. I'm looking forward to seeing where your mache journey goes! :smiley:
It's great to practice new media.

21 days later

I drew this while watching the live stream yesterday

because why not