Hey guys! I'll be using this topic for all future ART School updates. To be continued...

Discord channel - https://discord.gg/vYY7hCg


  • About time I resume this log, lost track for a bit let's pick it up from today onwards!
  • Term 1 - Visual Communication 1 v2 update

(currently re-recording all Term 1 classes with pro audio :smile: )


  • Term 10's Digital Illustration class is released - Art School V.1 is officially released!


  • Term 9 is released


  • Term 8 is released


  • Missed a few updates, but Term 7 is released


  • Added Term 3 assignments (sorry for the delay!)
  • Added the proportion grid for male and female to Term 1's assignments


  • Term 3 released


  • Fixed editing error in the Anatomy 1 class from 44min-55min


  • Term 2 released


  • Small update to the Perspective 1 class - Extra content at the end
  • Fixed typo on Figure Drawing assignment

pinned Oct 29, '17

28 days later

Hey all!

I'm almost done wrapping up Term 2, only some recording and editing left!

With that said I'm right in the middle of a big office + new house move so I would definitely expect some delays. I'm working on this every chance I get but yeah... moving is a huge time dump and my workstation will be offline for a few days until everything is back up in the new office.

I'll keep you guys posted! Hoping to get this out to you ASAP!

8 days later

good luck with the move!
Looking forward for the Term 2.

Quick update, we're fully moved in now and I'll be setting up my office tonight so work should resume tomorrow :smile:

Appologies for the delay, the other terms shoul dbe much faster! Thanks for your patience guys!

Do ya thang man xD jk. Good luck with all that. It's all good. We respect our sensei's needs.

18 days later

Hey all!! I've been working on Term 2 non-stop ever since we moved to the new place and it's being uploaded now!

I clealry underestimated the classes and ended up spending a ton more time on this term to really make it as best as I could. Hell I even worked on Christmas day to get it to you guys ASAP.

Haven't slept much these past 3 weeks and this probably shaved a couple years off my life but hopefully it'll be worth it :smile:

Hope you like the new term!

I won't be moving again anytime soon so there shouldn't be any more delays for future terms, thanks for your patience so far!!!

Crap, I just realize that, I also shaved off several years of my life during all those years by consuming coffee and staying late at night. Gotta get myself a better life habit.

hi marc! Will you upload the term 2 Assignments soon or are you still working on them?

Thanks so much for your hard work, I can't wait to watch all of term 2 as soon as I can! :smile:

edit: I asked Marc this question in his Art School comments section and he answered me there. Yes he is working on them and will upload them soon! :smiley:

1 month later

Hey all! Quick update on Term 3, I should be wrapping this up in a couple days. I decided to spend a bit more time on the ZBrush class than I intended initially so the total time will be a bit higher for this term.

Alright back to work!

Hello, a quick question, for the Zbrush, is there a certain license you want me to buy for this? I haven't bought anything yet. I'm looking at so many different options lol.

@ristarsonata Just get a trial, should be enough. Only buy after you know the software and can best evaluate the value it brings :wink:

And just a heads up everyone, Term 3 is coming later today (Feb 12th) !! I'll be rendering all day, so keep an eye out for that product update email!

Sorry for the wait again and thanks for being patient, the whole family got the flu a few weeks back so it slowed me down considerably (I didn't get it though, thankfully). I'm still aiming to have all Terms released by November so the releases should accelerate a bit moving forward!

Quick note for those wondering why there is only 3 classes this time around, I moved a couple things in the curriculum to keep the terms more or less equally long. I also split Anatomy 2 and pushed back Anatomy 3 to next term since it was too much at once. Anyways, I think the curriculum is better this way, wouldn't adjust anything unless I felt it was an improvement.

Alright, I'll be back to let you know as soon as everything is being uploaded.

28 days later

Hi, a lot are complaining about Photoshop being used in the YouTube comments this includes me, could you instead of using Photoshop use Krita? https://krita.org/en/

It is a free and open source GNU GPL software dedicated for drawing that everyone following your tutorial will be able to get even on Linux. If you use it this will allow us to use the same tools as you, the same brushes and interface so we will be able to progress faster.
Krita is more powerful than Photoshop for drawing (and much more than Photoshop CS2 2005 that you are recommending us to get as a free alternative) because it is built by digital artists and not photographers and it has a powerful brush engine with more settings than Photoshop, several brush stabilizer, optimized interface and a right click brush marking menu. It has a resource manager with a collection of brushes directly available by default made by digital artists like David Revoy that is part of the team: https://youtu.be/GHRwnVMwTE4

We don't need to learn software that are popular (Photoshop is popular for drawing because Krita is sill unknown), we want to be good at drawing and because some like me are very bad at drawing using different tools makes it a bit more challenging to follow you (the strokes don't look like yours).

Same applies for the sculpting part, you can use Blender sculpt with Dyntopo and a red matcap (the red matcap is available out of the box in Blender) instead of ZBrush and asking everybody to get a trial version. The interface and real time area topology reconstruction with edge collapsing is more intuitive and efficient, it does the reconstruction locally while you sculpt and collapse the edges, it never crashes or generates holes like ZBrush DynaMesh does and the goal of the course is to make a sculpt in 3D not to master ZBrush. Using the same brushes as you would be better.
Demo of Blender sculpt with dyntopo + red matcap (available by default in Blender) + AO: https://youtu.be/vB7kPWjBgQI

And this is an advice for your future tutorials in general, if there is free software that can be as good or better like the two I have mentioned above please use them. We don't necessary want to land a job and we can adapt with tools AAA studios use later on.

He uses what he uses because of an industry standard and his own prerogative. But what software you choose use, instead plugging in a hostile manner, to get the assignments done is totally fine. I personally use sketchbook for my android for my drawings then use photoshop for values. I used infinate painter for my perapectives assignment. It's just to understand that some command placements and options may vary. But the teacher having to use a different software so students don't have to pay 10 a month for photoshop, or adapt the lessens to a software they're comfortable with is beneath him. You know that but that's for anybody who would be curious in the future. And this. Learn photoshop, the zbrush, whatever these apps are, clip paint,
etc, every other industry standard you can. Not because of comfortability, but the more programs you know the more you're worth on the job and saught after.

@dbekhouc We chatted before but just so everyone knows - The reason I use Photoshop and ZBrush is because those are the main tools most industry artists will use during their career.

I'm not going to argue there are extremely valid alternatives out there, that's true and students should definitely explore them if they're interested, but more likely than not PS+ZBrush is what you'll be using.

I always prefer taking the safe route and going with what is currently in place, and what is likely to stick around in the future.

Besides, Photoshop is not only a painting tool, like we cover in the course, it's great for vector art, photo manipulation and a number of other applications. I would be doing you guys a big disservice by not teaching it. ART School is not specifically for future painters either, it's for any art-related career, with a focus on digital art.

When working freelance, the tools you use don't matter as much, but most career artists are working in-house where the tools do matter. Those tools are Photoshop and ZBrush.

I would almost recommend you get a Photoshop subscription before you spend money on a tablet. Photoshop definitely has a bigger learning curve, so the sooner you start the better :smile:

15 days later

Hey all! Just wanted to drop a quick update!

I'm still hammering on Term 4 and this sucker has been taking a lot longer than anticipated, the anatomy class in particular. It took over a month on its own just to record th econent so it's delayed everything (it's good though!).

Just wanted to let you know I'm not slacking! I've been working on this multiple hours every day minus a few exceptions (tax season, etc) and I want to make sure I release something you'll enjoy! Still got a couple more days to spend on it but it's coming soon, it's my most fun term to work on so far :smile:

Thanks for your patience!

Also, we're not there yet but once all the terms are released (and to help with the final projects), I'll be doing weekly hangouts/streams so we can all get together and interact on a more personal/direct level. Really looking forward to it!! :blush:

K back to work.

Any chance to get into the online steams, the special date for sure, thanks Marc.

That is awesome Marc !! Can't wait for the streams! And don't worry about the Term 4. The longer it takes, the better it is! Much love <3

18 days later

Rendering everything for Term 4 now, should be up soon! I definitely underestimated the amount of talking/editing this one would require so sorry for the wait, it's been a while!

2 months later

Hey all! Once again, apologies for the wait I've been working on Term 5 every spare minutes I have!

Business is always first however and it's been a crazy past couple weeks with new hire interviews and our marketing director going on maternity leave - my work load has been significantly higher than usual and it's really slowed down progress.

With that said, recording is all done and I've started editing the first class last week so we're in the final stretch. Based on my schedule I should be publishing Term 5 on July 26 ... hopefully.

My plan is to start Term 6 as soon as I'm done with term 5. I normally give myself a break of about a week in between terms since it's really mentally draining but I really don't want to stretch the last terms into 2019 so no more breaks. Plus the content won't require as much research so things should really pick up for the rest of the year.

Ok back to it!