Hi everyone :smile:
Name : Ludovic Lufor alias ludocreator
Base in Mauritius ( I know my country is not eligible but no worries I've got back up in Australia ^-^)
Email: ludoviclufor@gmail.com
Side Chosen: Fantasy
Character: Acacia- A female being who came to life in a near future where technology has become more than a necessity in order to survive.She will encounter an old blacksmith Elf who's living in an area thats subject to change. High ranks people who have the intention to invest and build a huge industry that will take up a large portion of land .AND if anyone makes some resistance, they will crush them... Guest that the female being (who am sure got some superpowers) came on time..
if you want to see more of my work or just want to be friend ^_^

Figuring out how she would look like keeping in mind that i wanted a being with several layers like a tree or a fruit-Skin inner skin etc

Her look WITHOUT her armor

Looks interesting! Nice work so far :smile:

Really refreshing style !
Have fun & good luck ^^

Woah your work is amazing! Nice color scheme for the armor :smiley: I'll be following your progress keep it up! :smile:

interesting concept! really like what you have so far ^^ keep up the good work!

Nice concept sheet :smile:

Cool concept)))Dragon fruit is very interesting)

Nice color choices and character concept.

Really nice work but one of your images didn't fully upload. Just go back into the edit menu and let it finish uploading before clicking reply.