Wow, what a great character! The idea and the details of the sword and armor are amazing. Everything looks well thought out, your concept is definitely promising, I'd love to see more of him! Wishing you good luck, keep up the awesome work! :smile:

Couple more pages, finished his wing armour designs and manoeuvrability, as well as him showcasing his wings on his body. He is a Seraphim so he has three sets. The wings go up in size, the higher up and closer to the front his wings are the bigger they are and the smallest pair are the two located near the base of his spine.

Due to the nature of already having so many limbs, only the foremost pair are armoured, this allows a stance in which he can create a triangle-like shape formed with his wings and tail to defend against attack.

Wow really awesome work. Did you post one of these drawings on Facebook levelup page. I feel like I seen this. Anyway awesome work and good luck.

Thank you so much! Yeah, the rendered skull one I posted to Level Up a few days ago xD

Working on the final illlustration now. Pushing for time a bit, I already work a very busy 10 hour day as a student with many personal projects and university work, so I've been trying my best to catch up on lost time xD

These are the finished lineart as well as adding some basic values. I'll be adding the detail of the armour soon as well as other details I've not yet included!

For the painting I had the idea of showing his prowess in flight by having him upside down to the environment by rightside in our own sights, I'd imagine him doing a flip in the air, in the direction he's facing! The sun is behind him as well. I hope I can get this finished, it may unfortunately be rushed xD

:clap: :clap: Looking good. Keep it up right into the deadline. I believe you'll finish and I look forward to final. I love this comp. Can't wait to see what you do in the end. Lets root eachother on. Good luck. :+1:

Thank you so much for the support! And I'm glad you like it, I'm putting 110% effort into getting it looking good and finished xD

I cleaned up the sketch and finished the lineart. I'm not going to include the wing armour in this particular illustration, mostly because it serves as a means of keeping him captive in one place, so having it during flight would be cumbersome.

U have really nice clean linework ... I would stay with the rocks as foreground ... keep it going this way... good luck

Just photobash in more clouds and see how things feel. If they don't work, no problem. Just make sure you paint over the photos really well so there not noticeable.
Also everything is looking good. Love the colors. keep it up.

I'm gonna be painting over the majority definitely, it just saves me some time rendering xD Thank you for the feedback :smiley:

Another work in progress, it's getting there slowly! I might have time to render out the lineart so I'm gonna give it a go xD I decided a more ancient Greek kind of feel with the background is better than some mountains, also gives me an opportunity to render out some really nice lighting situations, with the slight transparency of the feathers and the bounce light from the floor and columns! I will be painting over the photos to an extent as well, they're still pretty much placeholders at this point.

Currently I am not able to post what it looks like so far, so I'll continue to finish it and then upload the rest of the steps later.

Love your process. Really badass work so far. Love this comp. Keep up the good work. :+1:

I did try to upload around 4 hours ago but I couldn't, and I was only just about to now!

More process! Because of the extended deadline I've had a lot more time to render it. So far I've spent around 36 hours on it! Changed the background up a bit again, took out some of the clutter and removed the mountains so it looks more open in contrast to his complex character!

And the finished illustration and concept sheet!

I'm going to use this space in order to summarise his story a bit.

Adeodatus is an ancient species of angel called a Seraphim. Seraphim are the only class of angel that wear headress as it's a sign of their dominion and reign over other angels. THey're incredibly powerful, and are all assigned elements, including normal angels. Adeodatus himself with one of very few Seraphim left alive that were all killed off due to going insane or being killed by other angels. Because of this he was captured by the remaining angels and chained to the throne of the goddess. He's lavished in decadence, gold and jewellery and fine armours, however as his power isn't necessary to their welfare and he's not allowed to fight because of the risk of going crazy, he's slowly turning to stone over many centuries. The wing armour is there to protect his wings however it isn't a necessity in fighting. It's mostly a means of keeping him tied down to one place! Personality wise he's very loyal to his superiors, which happens to only be other Seraphim and Cherubim who serve as the Goddesses of the Angels kingdom. He's astoundingly tall and built, being 7'5" and 141kgs. He can't fly for very long unless he sheds some of the armour, which is why when he does fly or fight, he takes his wing armour off. He's also quite strict, he's not lenient at all and won't hesitate to take out any kind of orders, even if it means self harm.

I drew something extra a few weeks ago to show him being chained to the throne, with the Cherubim Goddess upon it! He takes up an aggressive stance when the Goddess is being threatened but if he's provoked himself he'll usually just take it and ignore it.

Well I'm really happy I took part in this competition and I hope I didn't miss out on it because the server was down! I've tried my best to make up for lost time and put all my effort into creating something unique and memorable! And I wish everyone else the best of luck too :smiley:

I hope you don't see this late but your concept sheet uploaded at a lower res. Other than that kick ass work and best of luck to you.