Im working on her gauntlet now! I hate metal >.>

Yea, metal can be quite tricky. There are some really good tutorials on youtube

I had a look on youtube and yeah your right! Thanks for the suggestion, i was always super bad at drawing metal haha.

Hey, this rendering is pretty good for a 15 year old artist! And I'm interested in your gravity mage idea.

Just a little opinion; maybe you can change the colour of the those wing-like hair bands in her hair? Right now it looks like they're connected to her head because they're the same colour. Maybe yellow/gold to compliment the purple in her clothes. (If you want, you don't HAVE to do this. Just my opinion.)

Good luck with your character design. ^^

Actually thats a great idea! I just noticed that now that you said that, thank you, i'll edit it later.

Going to get started on thumbnails for the final illustration, Glad i got over my sickness early!!

Started to refine and get a feel for whats going on, the low light source is a pretty neat idea in my opinion because it makes her feel like she's above the world, her 'gravity' power will be dark purples/black so i thought it would be a good contrast from the light sky and clouds!

I kinda like how this is but im going to go a different direction as well and try to find something better.

Love the progress of your character! Illustration composition looks strong!

I think the illustration composition looks nice!

Okay so i called the last one final but hear me out, i woke up, and hated it! Like i absolutely loathed it, it was ugly and made no sense to me! So i decided to go for something calmer.... Gave her wings a purpose (sketch lines for that on another layer.) Anyway, in the picture, that isnt lineart, its more of a guide/how i want it to look when i paint it : ) Its still super sketchy though.