Name: Joshua Culp
Email: JoshCulpArt@Gmail.Com
@Twitter: JoshCulpArt
I just randomly started rendering his face. Its one of those things where you just start and then you cant stop, even though rendering is probably the least helpful thing during this stage of development.
I'm not even sure this is the face I want him to have, but I like the overall design. More then anything I was excited to play with his colors, and I feel that they're going in a solid direction.
Here's a list of goals that I have for this illustration / design:
He is strong, and powerful, but not prone to aggression. This isn't to say that hes pleasant by any means, but definitely not a hot head. I don't picture him being chatty. This should be conveyed in his body design, his facial expression and his pose / the action of the illustration.
This is a fantasy character, and I want the lighting and color to convey that this is a fantastical creature in a setting that couldn't occur in the real world. I plan to show this through added saturation, dramatic lighting, and more color variance then I would normally use.
He is able to use magic; though he won't necessarily be doing that in the illustration. Maybe runes / markings / spell components will be included to hint at his potential magic prowess. Also maybe costume elements reminiscent of mages/druids.
Angular / planar. I really like the hard surface sculpted look, and I'd like to apply that here. I've already begun doing that in his random face render. (see cheek bones / nose especially.
Theres more but this post already seems long winded; so thats enough thought for now!
Thanks for reading!