Amazing design man, really unique and tells already a lot about her. I'm staying here til you get to the full illustration! Great job! :smile:

Dude your artstation profile in insane haha, you're really good with drawing and conceptualizing interesting pieces, keep it up :smile:

That's nice! I think switching the hand that holds the sword helped balance out the piece.

Oh man this is insanely good! The armor design is perfect, facial expression perfect, with colors though I would love to see. Your illustration would be so insane I can already imagine it hahaha :smiley:

Thanks :smile: most likely I won't paint it, because I will lack time for an illustration :pensive: I hope that the illustration will be insane :grinning:

9 days later

Amazing perspective here man! and the camera tilt is awesome! Nice story and stuff going on, im really curious! This is gonna be awesome :smile:

I prefer color sketch, but I will not work on it, because there are difficult to see champion)