@zyp of course! its very helpful to hear others point of view. ^^
@Steve_Kim haha thanks! thats good to hear
@berrysquare thanks!!
@vincent_williams_ii thanks!!
@nassima-amir Oh I totally see what you mean! Thanks alot for the tip!
I love b and c the most! B portrays her speed and aggressiveness, while C is more of like a thoughtful pose where she is kinda like planning her attack on while getting shot at. So idk which one you prefer Man I wish I saw your topic earlier, this one is amazing!
Im so excited to see the final of this!
@Kreyhardt thank you for the great analysis!
@helmitaivas-m thank you!! I appreciate it
Final submission
Name: Tien Luu
Email: lmt144@yahoo.com
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/tiearius
Website: http://www.tienluu.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tien.luu.984
Twitter: N/A
Champion: Chang’e
Side: Sci Fi
Chang’e is a gifted assassin and black market weapon trader, she is in possession of a cyber rabbit (robbit) Jade, which have been given to her from birth by her late father, a genius inventor.
Concept Sheet
Final Illustration
Thank you Cubebrush community for giving me feedbacks and critiques. I've thoroughly enjoyed and learnt a lot from this experience!