Hey guys! Here's another update. It took a lot of trial and error to find something I was happy with. In the end I decided to overhaul the shoulders and color pallet.
I blended the knight armor with some inspiration from old Korean armor designs, and I think it worked out pretty well. Also did I change the color scheme to a green-ish color to hint a bit more at the death theme.
@Khulim Thanks for your feedback! You were completely right, and I tried to push the overal design a bit more to your notes.
It could use a bit more detail. Personally I was thinking of bone like rims and details across the armor. To be honest though I am extremely eager to start thumbnailing for the final illustration. Would it be cheating to come back to the concept for detailing while working on the initial sketches for the final piece?
Please let me know if I should add a detail pass, or continue to the next phase!