Found you Fris, didnt realize I already commented on your topic haha, innovative design btw, Love the colors too :smile:

Haha oh snap you did, thank you anyways!

Hey everyone, i was think of changing her helmet visor to spice it up a bit but im not sure if it something i should move on with or just keep the old one and just move on to other important things, let me know your feedback!

I really like the helmet design you used! Simple but interesting design!

I like the new design Fris! Anyway in your illustration the face is shown so I think it's better than having the mask on so great job! :smiley: The pose is simple but tells a lot of story and thats pretty damn good. Keep it up man! :smile:

Helmet looks too much like the Emile helmet design minus the bow.

You could try sketching some more original skull designs. Possibly shape the helmet to look like a skull instead of it being painted on there. Or keep the round helmet shape and make the skull design indent into the helmet.

The bells are awesome though.

Where does the hair go when she puts on the helmet?

True true, i'll look into switching it up a bit, thanks for the feedback much appreciated!
As for the hair, there's gap in the back of the helmet where she can store it but since its not going to be shown in the illustration i didn't bother to go in much detail with the idea :smile:

Wow, that's looking insanely cool!! I love how one of her finger armor things is broken––very nice touch:)

thank you very much :smiley:

I like the broken off armour too.. but don't you think whatever has taken it off would've done the same to her finger? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe if the point where it was broken wasn't so clean...

do you think just having a hand there with no armor would make a little more sense or should i keep the missing piece if armor on the finger?

I'm thinking either one missing section (the last one and again, the breaking point should not be clean at all) or some sort of scratch that goes along the hand, making an opening in the armour, not actually breaking it off.
The way she is posed right now, if you removed the armour of the whole hand it'll look like she did it herself and that would make even less sense. xD
~I tried looking up broken armour but the closest I could find is a pretty damaged Iron Man mask that illustrates my point about not having a clean edge very well.~ Then again, it's up to you.