Theme : Fantasy

Name : Nga nguyen

Email :

Website : deviantart gallery

Instagram : nga.nguyen89

Facebook : Nga Nguyen Facebook

Rather late to this contest but I'm just going to give it a shot for more practice. Constructive critiques are most welcome!

My entry is for team fantasy, the concept is about a Warrior of a tribe (supposedly) descended from Dragons, called (probably temporarily) the Dragon Kin.

Some brainstormed idea:
- No hair, certain region of skin covered in scales that is as hard as steel.
- So there are no need for overly heavy armor at certain places, but still have weak spots at normal skin ( normal but still reptile skin).
- Like dragons, they generate elemental magic energy automatically ( the element type is hereditary). This warrior I chose use mainly air elements in fighting ( fire as secondary ), able to focus and manifest it into blades with certain tools.
- Extendable air blades and chains between his scythes, suitable for climbing high places (can shoot/throw his weapons very by compressed air )
- While being able to use elemental magic energy, also physically very strong (dragon like strength).
- Only for air element warrior: can fly without wings, can use air to glide on the ground, compressed enough air in his lung to last for hours in environment without air.

Here's some very rough initial sketches:

Face referenced from modern predatory birds.

Nice concepts and thoughts about the design !
Really interesting helmet/face too :wink:
About spikes or feathers...why not both ? But that's maybe a bit too much to be understandable/readable :confused:

Can't wait to see more ^^
Have fun & good luck !

cool i always love dragon race humanoid creatures lol, his weapon concept is awesome!

i think the side straps for the weapon work better. just my opinion great work!