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The texture you got going on the back is gross... I mean that in the nicest way possible lol
This is getting amazing once again !
todays progress, real quick thanks to all posting and looking here:))
Looks awesome, Loving the exploration
Long time no update, sorry about that. 10 ish days left!
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
hey christian, I keep seeing:
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.View hidden content.
on your works and uploads. Is anyone else also seeing this?I wonder whats going on
Cool character design Cristian!!! I have a special love with tentacle dudes The dynamic composition of the piece really indicates your hero... just awesome piecekeep up the good work mate
The site see's your new post as spam because your on a new account but with the same IP address. The site kinda automatically thinks of you as spam or a bot. That's why your post are being flagged. If you post with your original account, you shouldn't have this problem.
That's odd. I unhid the posts that were hidden by the system! Nice updates btw~
Fixed it, had to do some really weird stuff to get my other account back onto here, won't go into it! here is latest, sorry
Omg it's looking sooo good, the previous work was also awesome, but this...god. Love it.
aeguilrod thanks dude muc appreciate the love:)latest update..... 4days left
amazing progress on this! I hope you'll have time to finish it !
Gocallipus ciengodipus, a scientific name, the first word is the genus and the second is the actual species. Isn't that it?
Really cool)
My Final.
Unbelievable work man, you killed it, best of luck!
Impressive work ! Congrats for finishing it !
Amazing colors and so synamic!!Good luck!!!