Go Team Sci-Fi!
Name : Victor Kestering Tramontin
Email : victorktra@gmail.com
Deviant Art | Facebook Page | Facebook Profile
I still haven't found a name that suits him, but i started with some simple questions that would help me find his core design.
- Keywords
Peaceful | Thoughtful | Bold | Calm | Rational | Reason | Diplomatic | Caring
- Mentality
He's the kind of people who would rather talk than harm someone else, however being peaceful is not always an option, and he will not be stopped from using harsher methods to defeat his enemies.
He covers himself in long robes and uses camouflage to disguise body parts he can't keep covered, using this technique he has the capacity to walk amongst peoples that consider him a foe.
Believing that defeating enemies with violence is not a win, he allows himself to help peoples from both sides of the battlefield.
Initial Sketching & Shape Language
17/12 Update - Head Shapes and Mechanical Parts
Some sketching to find the better shapes that would fit the concept
( Green = Ok | Pink = Bad | Orange = Interesting )