Looks amazing so far, that pose! Once more info comes out about the character, a name will be easy.

O, nice. looks pretty good :smiley: as for the name, when I saw the picture I just thought ''that's a kim, yep, a Kim.''

Don't forget the character sheet with the character front and back view. this is looking awesome so far. Keep up the good work. Team Scifi for the win!! :grinning:

omg i almost forgot! thank youuuu soooo much!! :frowning: i'm gonna work on that asap! thank you again! Go Team Scifi! :smiley:

Team SCI FI! Great design man! and the armor detail oh it's so good :smiley:

Cool design! Amazing armor details, I wonder what her abilities are though :smile: I'll keep a look out for updates from you :))

Hey Sammy! Shes so cool! I'm such a sucker for cheeky characters, at least I assume she is. :smiley: I can't help but notice the anatomy on her left arm (the one with the bare shoulder) is off in your illustration, I think you need to revise that because it's really distracting! I think her shoulder needs to be twisted around so that her armpit is more visible, but also based on the perspective her shoulder wouldn't be that visible in the first place, it should just be her arm. (could always cover that area with her hair :wink: quick fix hehehe ) Anyways keep up the fantastic work! :blush:

ill fix that as soon as possible before i add more details to that arm, ill keep working on her to improve her c:

wow! nice rendering process :smiley: i hope to continue to see the next progress :wink:

Actually I don't think this pose is possible, this pose's all about showing "fan magnet" parts...