Your head design is cool, I like how you present the 'normal' and 'attention' mode. Looks like rocks for me, pretty nice. Also great to see you picked a beast as a champion.

10 days later

this thing looks awesome! not a lot of people make creatures, which is a shame. I can never do creatures, it becomes so complicated to make the anatomy look realistic, but you really nail that!

Thanks! Sorry for late answer) Try to save head modes on final design. Yaeh, that troll
worthy to be a champion, i think.... =)

I glad ,if my art enjoy you! Sorry for late answer...have some language troubles, you know)
My creatures anatomy is very simple, based on humanoid constitution. I'm not pro in that question,but try to be better. Thx for watching my process!


i love your composition sketches ) my favs are 1 and 2 )

great design! I love the tattoos. The colors fit and harmonize really well :smile:

Great work! Nice, clear read on the design. I'd say 1 and 3 have the best mix of dynamic movement, whilst still showing off the character, although 3 looks like it might have some tricky perspective.

Whoa really nice champion,
I really feel like the 3rd thumbnail shows the champion's strength by looking down on the head of the beast. It has a really nice dynamic compositin aswell :thumbs up

This is really awesome stuff, super interesting to see you design process! can't wait for the final illustration! :smile:

Thx! Tattoos add in final picture! Time to thinking about tattoo's pattern, they are strong accent

Thanke you! I'll work on illustration composition,try make dramatic battle scene when your enemy is more stronger than character....only bravest can win!)

Thank! Will save atmosphere and dynamic in final art!

Thank you! I'm trying to make interesting art,tell character story.

Really nice character! Keep it up