Is this a Russian stuff ? I mean the troll-love ?
@petrovod love them too I can sense haha
Oh and really nice colour scheme !
@mr_dessin Meanwhile in Russia... Hydra-surfing is very popular competition between trolls...
@katya_cyan Спасибо! ^____^ [Thank you!]
@dha9000 Hi! Thank you for constructive suggestion about composition! I still thinking how more better realize effect of unequal battle...the canvas format helps me show it...but your advice useful,i'll keep it in my head)
@dha9000 I will try!
@Firathion Thank you!
@Paulo So...for character use color from adobe kuler in base. I have not strong color pipeline. At first steps draw intuitively,but allways keep in mind scheme that must be main color (green like, with variations) 70%, 30% for additional (blue) and 10% for contrast accent (red and other warm color)
@Paulo Of cours! Try to keep up that rule about light source,to make more contrast. Choose shadow color opposite main light