Name: Alfie
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Twitter: @Artguzma
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TEAM SCI-FI! I'm just getting this Thread Posted for now, my champion uses the alias i-Z. Concepts will come shortly after I finish formatting some of my sketches. in the meantime, enjoy this teaser sketch

EDIT: I am very.... very indecisive. But I'm BACK to team SCI FI and Hopefully i'll stay that way!

There are 58 replies with an estimated read time of 7 minutes.

Outfit and color scheme concepts for i-Z.

"He is the CEO of Z corporation, a company that produces bionics. He likes to do things on an extravagant scale, so he decided to take his company to the next level by producing bionic fashion. One of his best inventions was a generator that could produce harmless, but really cool looking lightning, which he proudly displays as part of his own outfit.
His bionic arm doesn't exactly match his look, which raises questions from his most avant garde designers. He hasn't given a clear explanation for it's purpose."

Looks very original. Good idea)

Nice concept idea, I love the whole jacket tunring into electricity, thats sick! Keep it up man! Looking forward for updates from you :smile:

I don't know if this is going to get far enough to be a final image. Its really rough, but i wanted to explore what the interior of the "Z corp." looked like. Although it's just a corner of a room, with (What i hope you all can tell) is a window that overlooks a skyline. Of course, I still have a lot to play around with, but drawing his lightning is too fun.
Also, a wild secretary appeared!

Playing around, moving onto coloring. Dunno if I want this to be a final piece yet, seeing as working on it has given me inspiration for something possibly more... epic.

I like the concept of the illustration. Just one suggestion- show that the screens are moving

Nice perspective! Also great design! I could totally see this character in an animated cartoon or cartoony videogame!

@wildiris Its interesting that you say the screens should be moving. I guess I could add some light trails to imply they're idly floating. Were you thinking of the screens moving fast? As cool as it would look, it'd be kind of hard for him to read what's on the screen if they're zipping around. Although i guess this is a potential "Champion" we're talking about, so if he can keep up with fast screens, then anyone with super-speed would be no problem to keep an eye on either. Hehe.

@mavkrogan It actually makes me quite happy you said that, because it was what I was aiming for!

I love the stuff going between the floor tiles–it's a very nice touch:) This illustration looks awesome!

Edit: also, I think @wildiris meant the contents of the screens:)

@sanguine Ahh, Hmm. It is rather hard to understand exactly what should be moving, considering my intention was to have the screens floating idly as he reviewed them, although that's just the center screen. I guess the other ones could have light trailing off of them to imply that they're moving, and the one he's interacting with wouldn't.

Also, your design is really neat so far! I think the thing that sets it apart is the giant elk skeletons! It'll be hard to forget that one.

A quick question: Does anyone else feel like the wires on his arm are kind of... not working for his design? At first I thought they were cool, but now that I've had to draw him a couple times, they seem to interfere with the contour of his arm since they're black.
Should I Ditch them all together, or make them a brighter color?

some fun experiments trying to figure out a solid face for him. His upper lip is supposed to be black, so in more... final images of him i might render it better to convey that.

I meant something like this, but it's your work and your choise) Great head design

Thanks for the visual! that actually really helped. :smile: I have a difficult time understanding things that don't have a visual to go with them.

as much as I like the teal, I figured i would try something different and do pink. Did a more refined "T" pose to work out some parts of his design. Ditched the wires, and fixed the part of his outfit that emits the lightning. Also Included the headshot with the pink glasses.

Cool deisign and power idea, those electric power though, I thought at your previous concepts that they were coming from his cloak or robe, that was cool, im a bit down that you changed the design for that, but it's okay it's still frikin awesome haha! :smile: