Thank you so much guys & gals !
@rgdraw - Not sure if I could finish this one, at least not for now...but sure I still have a lot of (other) ideas in mind...
And thanks for the help - tho I don't have Facebook - yeah I'm an ermit in his cave haha
@Iago_Cavalcante - Oh I hear you there (tho I don't think I have been in such a thing with super harsh and arrogant people ugh - can already feel you )
Yep, you'll naid the best points man, high five bro
@jenniferbrincho - Cheers to Jennifer !
In fact that's the opposite that happens haha - Only want to draw more and more and maybe maybe find a style that really fit my needs...but I have no idea if that day will ever come...
And I don't think my worlds are "super complicated"; in fact I feel sometimes they lack in "soul" or something like that...and that's something that needs a lot of work for me.
For some artists, this is super easy - you look at their work (even when it's a simple piece or sketch), and you're like woooow, man...ok my work is sh*********t haha