So damn true Jerome
totally agree with the hours put into a painting ... 8 hours at a stretch is insanity ...
i can't sit in one place for more than 20 mins .. i keep getting up time to time ... watch a little tv ... prepare some tea or juice ..... and then go back ... mind gets a little refreshed.
Else i get too saturated ... confused .. bored.
But yes ... i need to sketch everyday. So i can keep my mind clear of everything that's bothering me.
I bought a few sketch pens and a new artbook .. thought i would carry it with me and doodle whenever time permitted. But i guess my mind is a little too sensitive and would only allow me to do things when i'm alone or sad ... without any disturbances.
When i travel to work and then back home... i see "DETAILS" in the most common places ... slums even .. the way people live, the animals
.. at times i feel for them more ... coz they aren't cared for so much.
So much to absorb .. it's overwhelming.
Once a friend of mine kept staring at me .... asked : "what's wrong? you look lost..."
I'm like that ... i'm always thinking about something ... far from reality.
There's this line :
-- But it helps me remember... I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in. -- American Beauty.
Love it...
Wish certain things didn't have an end.