Theme: SCI-FI.
Name: Guillermo Sahagún
"So... You've come here, all alone, and no hidden intentions... have you?"
D3-D4L0, a brutalist, huge edification, settled on what remains of planet Earth, is the place where Vitka is being kept prisoner. And the only place where people is able to live. She resides in a cubicle among many other cubicles, surrounded by people like her: scavengers, thiefs and pillagers, hackers and so on. The cubicles are the only safe space they have, away from the AI TAURI's eyes and arms, the Wipers.
Vitka, who once were a plain mechanic, now works as an assassin. She's in need to gather all the resources, connections and abilities she have, not to overthrow the AI, but to be able to survive herself and help the few ones she cares about by now...
Concept file:
Cheers, and thanks for passing by!