@mr_dessin thank you so much!
@krizevil thank you! :blush:
@sanguine :blush: i think shes more unique than the rest!
@rgdraw it does help! thank you!
guys thank you so much forcommenting it means a lot <3 and helps me out with ideas! :blush:

A few scene ideas,i think she's going to prepare for the war instead of fight in the scene (not sure yet if that's a good idea) please let me know what you think! they are very rough I was trying to get just the basic emotion and the values. ill make a few final ones with more details!

These are nice, but a bit too calm, you could try something where she's hunting something with her friend creature, or attacking some evil dudes, or defending people from evil dudes
Think of the story you want to tell with this illustration, and it will come naturally :smile:

I've been thinking about what you said for a couple of days XD thinking about the story and its got me in a bit of a rabbit hole, I do have some more ideas thanks to you! you gave me a lot to think about i really appreciate it :smile:

Haha! It's a good thing then! The more story you have to tell in your picture the better it gets! :smiley:

I like # 2's coloring the most, but the hair could use a bit more pop than it currently has. The colors are good but the eye moves to the vivid purple near the crotch instead of the green near the face.

Also I like the sea tiger idea, cute shape combination.

HI! I had a lot to think about scene wise, I'm still not 100% sure but I want to see her as she's throwing her potions. (at evil)
I kinda put the numbers in a funny way because after a while I noticed some looked or had the same concept. I think i'm leaning towards no'2 1/2. I'd love to hear what you think!

Yeah 2 1/2 is probably the most action oriented
Love 1 1/2 but since this is war I also agree would be better for the ocassion :smile:

What'd you think of the thumnail number 1 in your previous post, but maybe have her throwing some potions downwards, it'd probably be a little complicated to keep her features propperly visible for the final piece but... maybe?

Love your stuff!

Good luck and see you at war! :laughing:

hey back! :smile: Thank you so much! yeah i like 1 1/2 too im thinking maybe ill combine them somehow! but 2 1/2 is defently my direction so far!

as for no'1(in the precvious) its one that im keeping, as in i will add it after artwar! because i think it suits the charecter a lot ( she will be making her potions in that scene), I really like your idea!
thank you! and yes we shall see each other at war! :sunglasses:

Starting to figure out the illustration,It's rough but I like the direction, There will probably be a few changes.
I'm also going to do a concept for my mammel soon.

Looks nice! I like the direction this is going! :smiley:

Maybe I'm wrong (?) but I don't think you need to do a concept sheet for a second character.
But if you really want too, why not ^^

Can't wait to see more !

1 month later

This is my final result!
i'm not submitting it because I think it's too much of a WIP but I hope you like it!
i learned a lot, this was an amazing experience. Loved every part, can't wait for next year. good luck to everyone!!