Another contest! I am so excited!

Allright for this hero I chose Psychi. To my vision she is a Godess of the power of the heart. She can control the primitive emotions of men and bring forth the most noble values of humans.

I took some inspiration from Platos' view of Psychi. In his description our soul is guided by two horses: the first one is the human part that is connected to earthly emotions (black horse) and the other is our inner part which connects us to the divine.

My hopes for this concept is to depict Psychi as she clenses the spirit of the warriors before the battle removing the black horse which is their fear and rage and madness and letting the white horse guide them to victory:D

And here is my first sketch

Welcome back! :smiley:
And I can see it's gonna be great already! Nice start!

Happy to see you here as well. Nice sketch so far. Best of luck

It’s going to look epic, good sketch👌🏼

The theme alone is already brilliant, and of course really cool sketch.
Welcome back and good luck !

Thank you guys!!<3<3Here is some progress. At this point I am tryingt to figure out shapes and colors. I am not happy with colors yet but I am too tired to figure what's wrong today.

Very glad to see you participating! You're up to a very awesome start already. :smile:

The pink feels really strong. it's the first thing I noticed when seeing the piece. I looked for the face second. I really like the flow of things so far.

This is so good! Please more! (I think I'm addicted to your work now XD)

But more seriously, great progress nice work :smile:

Not sure about that but... I was thinking the opposite side for black and white horse.
It should brighten up your illustration as well ^^

Another thing...maybe the white horse (now) should be upper than this (in right corner), so we see it going on the field.
But maybe that will break your composition if you do that...?

omg such a great concept , would love to see the progress , honestly picture is look top notch already , love the way you draw hair and gold color on dress and gotta love the horses

Thank you guys!!
@mr_dessin To my head it made sense that she is calming the black horse and all the negative emotions and that was basically my whole point. I hope that it will eventually make sense in the image. I will experiment with the position of the white horse when I go back to it! Thanks for the suggestion!

I have started the character image. At this point I am trying to follow my insinct and not linger on things too much beause I think that time is not enough><

I'm really in love with your work, I can't wait to see what you're going to create <3
Psychì is gorgeous, and the composition is coming breathtaking! Keep up the great work :smile:

I love the concept of the character. Your compositions are so strong, I would love to be able to create such impactul paintings !

Oh sorry @aika ...I was just talking about colour for your illustration, not necessarily for the story behind it ^^'
I always make quiproquo, my bad !

Anyways, whatever you choose I have no doubt it will be perfect : D (it is already !)

@rgdraw Beautiful "wok" ? where ? xD

I have no idea what you mean XD

A wok is a frying pan (chinese) ^^

Oh sorry, I know what it is, I just pretend to not know, because I corrected it and be like " I don't see why you say that" XD