。 Katya Cyan

。 cyankatya@gmail.com





Welcome back @katya_cyan !
All are so good I can't even choose haha
Maybe a mix of 3, 5 & 6 (or 2)...not easy ^^'

Hey! Welcome back Katya!
And this looks awesome already! They all looks great good luck for choosing the right one :smile:

Yes!! These concepts are gorgeous!!

These are looking amazing! I really like number 1 and 3 :blush: I look forward to seeing which on you go with :smile:

Thank you so much for your kindness, guys @mr_dessin @rgdraw @sanguine @sasha-c !
Your advises really important to me! I'm very pleased and will try to do my best ^-^

And I really happy to see my old friends here ♡

You're welcome, we're happy to see you too :smiley:

Pretty cool concept. I really love your first designs! I'm not sure which I prefer, they all look really cool :smile:

these are absolutely gorgeous!!great designs! i think i like her with the darker outfits more villainy :yum: cant wait to see more!

I cant stop looking at her. Its awesome!
I liked specially the Version 6 ! Her hands on sleeves is stunning!

They all are so good!! So beautiful :3
Is it possible to have the hair flow of n°4 with outfit n°2? because that would amazing I think! :smiley: