So I know I'm a bit late, but I had to try. I'll be spending the majority of my time over the next 8 days attempting to put something together, not to mention attempting to contribute to the community at large. There are so many amazing entries here, it's going to be a great contest!

For now I'm just going to post a few thumbnails. More details will be forthcoming in the near future.

Been thinking and imagining for the past month and a half. Feels good to finally start getting the ideas down.

A few more thumbs so far today. Yesterday felt like it was just a warm-up, like I had to get some of the initial ideas out before I could move on to what is hopefully the more interesting stuff.

Since I'm coming to things so late I can't afford to procrastinate or spend a huge amount of time in any stage of development. I've got to be able to make quick decisions and move on. Something I've never been very good at in the past, so this should be good practice if nothing else.

As for these new thumbs, I think I've settled on the direction I want to take, at least with this aspect of the character. Number 6 is a combination of my two favorites (number 2 and number 4) and that is the one I will ultimately be developing further.

So today is all about the design. If I'm lucky I will have something workable by the end of the day and will move onto the initial 3D block-in tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Ugh, I'm officially two days behind now. Yesterday just didn't go as planned at all and I did't get any time to work on my entry.

So here, late, is the almost finished design for my entry.

He's only half the hero, though. I need to take a short break, but hopefully the second half will be forthcoming later on tonight.

If not, I may just have to wing it and hope it all works out.

Break time! Gonna go get some food stuffs for meself. In the meantime, here's a sneak-peak at the block in:

Will post a more thorough view later on.

Well, I'm still not as far along as I had hoped to be at this point, but the block-in is coming along nicely. Most of the major forms are in place and I'm doing a little functional refining. Still no real detail work, though.

Still a lot of work to do. As I alluded to in a previous post, this is only half the character. The other half still mostly exists in my head. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to finish the block-in and move on to details.

Well, this is the end I guess. I got a bit farther than my most recent update, but then life happened and I lost a couple of days. No time left to finish.

I keep toying with the idea of coming up with something simple that I could put together really quick. But after a few hours of experimentation last night I got nothing, and with only 11 hours to the deadline it doesn't seem likely that I'll come up with something anytime soon. So I'm out of energy and out of ideas, but it's been fun nonetheless.

Just in case anyone is actually interested, I do intend to finish this project. It'll most likely be one of those "hour a day" until it's finished, but I'm just too fond of my original idea to abandon it completely. For any who may be interested you can find future updates here:

There are so many great entries here, so many talented artists, I can't wait to see who wins. And who knows, maybe we can do it all again next year.

No regrets. Best of luck to everyone.