Newest update: WIP 16 -design in a little more detail

I have an old Project where I made a "Cyber Girl" but I want to make another from Scratch to meet the Challenge requirements and improve as an artist. I will use not recycle my Concept design and my 3D Mesh.

Here the Pitch

BCSARU - Black Chameleon Spaceship Android Repair Unit

BCSARU is an Repair Roboter in Female appearances with very light armor versus some Spaceships shoots of class D.
BCSARU has a Handgun for repairing and fighting also some features on the hands to to repair the surface of the BC. On the backside BCSURA has an extensible light quantum wings/injector/jets

The Spaceship itself is called Black Chameleon and is a Spy-spaceship of the Spaceship-size E.

nice! :smiley: looking forward to the wip's

are you sure that you didn't mean ''skin-tight-basically-no-armor'' armor :laughing: nah jk, it one of those sci fi suits that is durable, light and flexible. just don't give her the typical ''female video game armor'' that is just so dumb, what does that even protect? like, I like my intestines to stay inside me please!

You have started a thinking process on me.
You are right, my references sheet goes to the sexy skin tight armor. But it can't be to heavy or the BCSARU will be too slow for fast repair actions. The repair action has to be done in 90-120 seconds under focused firing.

I think on the Android Doctor Delta from Star Trek.
I try to imagine him on a spy mission with an armor that is makes him projected from medium Pirate Ships - for my spaceship scala class D.

Research - New Technology

light armor
- with photonen / plasma shield generator
- invisible matrix generator
- extensible wings with light quantum on shoulderblades
- light armor helmet with visual interface
- Boots with gravity generator

- Photon Phaser for closing holes in spezial surfaces from BC

Hands Fingers extensions
- screwing bolts
- holding Parts for more actions

like in the Björk -All is full of Love

sounds like you know what to do now! I have no clue on what something are that you just told us but I guees we shall see :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Update added one reference sheet.

Here come a update of my Visual Thinking Process.

I did some Photos from the Anatomy Figure and printed it with low Hue, so I could use it as a References Guide for a Female Body. It is in second row left in the ref sheet.
Then I used a Pilot Pen to make some design based of my Brainstorming and other References.
After That I scanned my first version of the character design (wip 3).
Also prepared a template for my Post so they look more like a unit.

I want her more protected as it is in the design thought also I think the boots are to unpractical.
I think on Gladiators, fell free to criticize since nothing set in stone.

First off thanks for the comment on my design. Second I like your direction. Right now I think the design is a bit too simple at the moment. So it seems to me(could be wrong) that she is a cyber girl pilot so her suit should resemble anatomy with nice seems along with armor part spread around. main places are shoulders, Chest and sections on the legs. I feel like you need a stronger story to push you idea better.
Is she a savoir of piece or cyborg pilot of destruction?
Does she have an energy source to power her or is she human with robotic prosthetic limbs.
think robocop in that sense.
Is she an agile character with a average body type or an bulky character
So I see your giving her some weapons to use in battle along with jet boots.(cool idea, I like it. :smile: ) Try drawing those separate to try and figure them out.

Keep up the good work man.

That Post did help me alot. take out my Script-writing tool and make a story. Maybe some storyboard. You are right about the all things you mentioned.

Gonna write with some VHS glitch music now.