Quick preview of The character, so you can brace yourselves for the wall of text ahead:
(more of a first color test and so I can see what I'm working towards)
OK, so..
I'm planning on finally doing a realistic character model, no compromises on polycount because I already have to do that on a daily base
(I might sing differently when it becomes time to put everything together to render, but we'll see). The champion I've got in mind is none other than the notorious pirate 'Captain Rotham',
I imagine him to be an ordinary man with maybe a bit more than ordinary amount of luck. He won't be defenseless off course, carrying a prototype semi automatic pistol and sporting a rapier
(actually the real reason for his rapier is that it guides his silhouette better and it's missing when it's not there, but I'll see if I can fix that perhaps later).
The fantasy world I imagine him to live in is on a planet with a special mineral layer around the world's core that enhances its magnetic field.
Mining this mineral and using it in their specifically designed engines, people have developped flying ships in a mag-lev like fashion, by countering
the planet's forces. Rotham had his spine fused with the mineral, enabling him to feel magnetic fields through his nervous system and more easily navigate his ship.
He also gained the power to create and manipulate strong magnetic fields, channeling the mineral's energy through his nerves. But if he makes too strong a field he risks
burning up his nerves in a frosbite like manner and eventually dying. Despite this he has downed other ships before using his powers.
Though some of it may sound sci fi like, I still very much consider him to be a fantasy character, I just like to get everything explained in a slightly logical fashion
(where's the fun in giving him a magical telekinetic glove).
Let me know if this isn't clear enough or if I should make it more specific to fantasy, also I wanted a less classical fantasy character, one that is superior to sci fi machinery/cyborgs
but also worked well in his own world. So unless he's fighting a wood and silicone robot or is vastly outnumbered he'd be able to hold his own.
He's also wearing a breathing apparatus that serves to get more oxygyn when flying very high into the air and also filters out hazardous gasses.
the pikes on his hat are porcupine quills, very unpractical, but he's a flamboyant and vain character
Dec 17, '16
last reply
Jan 23, '17