This is looking great. I also had an idea of adding hands under the breasts and near the shoulders the way you have them now but I never could make it look as good as you got it going =/ Cant wait to see more of this.

Ahhh, this is really beautiful work. I think she has a nicely balanced design, and I can't get over her faaaace. I especially love your initial sculpture! I tried sculpting in clay for the first time today and! Do you have any tips?

The concept of the hands around different parts of her body was born almost spontaniously. I did those claws on her shoulders in the clay version and when I got to the ZBrush sculpt, I thought why not duplicate those and move around her breasts, and then coming out of different places on her body :smile:

Hey Jennifer! Yeah clay is definitely worth exploring even if you want to focus on digital sculpture. It's always pretty hard to start at the begining, but my advise is keep loose in the begining. You need that mileage with clay to get it to work. Blocking out volumes in simpler shapes and then building up muscles and forms on top of the rough block in is the way to go. I learned to work with clay from Jordu Schell's videos and Simon Lee as well

Thanks man! Wow that's such a cool work! Yeah I see that corrupted angel theme going in there. Very cool! Thank you for sharing it with me buddy!

Oh man you're a beast !!! THis is incredible. Love it. Please finish it !

Nice work! May want to adjust the title to fit contest rules though! Good luck! :smile:

Thank you very much buddy! I broke my arm last week so it knocked me out of schedule a bit, but I'm getting back to it :smile: Your work rocks too man, really like your old witch!