Hi there!

I'm Shaun Clifford (also A.C. Strider), a self taught, brand-new, novice to the 3D art world. I wanted to try something intense to really test my skills and push beyond the basics, maybe also face a couple fears of putting non-professional work out there. As a fantasy based concept artist, I am also switching sides to Sci-Fi! I am a traitor :0

Pamela the Spacer!

Setting: Far Future/Sci-fi

She was born with a degenerative disease which stole away her arms and legs at a very young age. Her parents enlisted her in a controversial biotic program with the interstellar military, which augmented her human form with psychic magnetics, allowing her to control an advanced android body. These days she pays back the military one discovery at a time.
She's a determined master-mind who doesn't know the meaning of "give-up", she has a good attitude towards life.

Update 12-22-16

Update 12/24/16

FIrst go at some basic textures and such, first time modeling armor so I'm getting the hang of it slowly!

I am totally not procrastinating doin the armor at this point, I promise.

I've started a new job, and I must drop out. Best of luck all :smile:

Nice sketches. I like the one with the cape.

i like the second one from the left with the cape.

Could you please take a look at the title of your topic again? To participate you'll need to change your title. Like this: Art War | 2D/3D | Title of project | Your name

Nice skin !!
I like the idea, as it's been said the version with the coat looks the most appealling to me !
Looking forward to see the rest :smile:

F for the clothing looked good and the big head concept works for me, if that is why you posted those, i like the idea.