Hi all! I'm joining the fantasy team.
Here are my rough concept and reference board.
I choose 'Dokkaebi' which is a Korean fairy tale mythical creature.
looks similar with Oni from Japan but quite different characteristic. They love playing with people such as reward good people and punish on bad people also they are harmless. Most of them carry a club but not as a weapon they are more like magic wands. I'm thinking of different hair style from concept also I might need to design her magic wand. will be back with more updates!
Good luck for everyone :smile:

looking awesome! loving the direction! :smiley:

never heard of Dokkaebi. Love that you can share some of mythical inspiration in in your visual development process.

pretty amazing. Very cool concept ^^

Looking forward to see more! This Korean myth is a good idea.

Good job, I'm looking forward to seeing more :smile: I really like the asymmetric elements.

14 days later

11 days later

=O cant believe i didnt see this till now!! yeaaa korean demon!! keke
and should take a look at the flags of the korean empire, looks like the korean flag but more swirly like some details you have!
really loving the sculpt, maybe im a little biased but im super looking forward to this one! XD

and..... i was like hmmm this type of sculpting... i know this... XD i know you!!! HI NUNA!!! XP

Looking really good. Loving those accessories.

This is awesome! Motivates me to work harder on my own stuff now too haha. Can't wait to see the final product, you're killing it Mia!

11 days later