Alright so it only made sense to give this awesome competition a go, I am thinking I will go with the fantasy route and make a Goblin Swashbuckler named something like Fiddly Meatpot or something similarly ridiculous. For the pirate motif I was thinking something similar to the French pirates of the 16th century. Pretty pumped!

Well damn you almost look done, shoot congrats looks good i like the skull and swords holder, pretty kick ass.

Continue you got it covered. :wink:

Still a lot to do and add, but thank you very much :smile: . These types of competitions are always a lot of fun.

Whoa at retopo already nice, any tips and trick. :wink:

Looks crazy good are you retopoing for more details or getting into almost texturing?

Thank you very much,
I am retopoing mainly so i can get more detail in the sculpting without having to project it all again. Plus I find a cathartic enjoyment in retopo :smiley:.

Nice progress speed! Looks cool though.

12 days later

Don't worry guys, I am still progressing on this guy, finishing up the UVs and models needed in Maya. Moved to a new state at a new job so progress is a little slower but I hope to make the wait worth it :smile:

Nice update, though i just noticed you uniformed the pants wrinkles. That is usually a no go cause it looks a bit odd :smile: and never happens in life plus it would just look cooler with different wrinkles. :smile:

A bit more work sure but probably worth it in the end, I was also looking at the functionality of the skull and swords can he really pull those out? I did notice the long line at the lower end but does the top end also have a similar line?
They are still cool looking. :smile:

^Hope this give ya a bit to think about, again just noticed this and giving input to as many peeps as i can.
Hope to see some cool stuff and things when you can and good to see him back.

Great advice, I will go back through and adjust the pants and skull to make them less odd :smile: It is always good to go back through and make adjustments while I still can.

oh man, i love the skull, sword holster. great work, the poly paint is coming along nicely too! great job!