Hi everyone :blush: Decided to go with fantasy for this as I haven't done something like it for a while.

The design i'm going for is something like a big tanky dude, with a hefty weapon. So far I've done some thumbnail sketches and am trying to do a detail pass of one to flesh out some of my ideas a little better. During the week I might write up a quick backstory for him to help with ideas.

(I'll do a follow up post outlining my thoughts on the progress so far, and any advice or constructive criticisms are welcome :relaxed: )

Current Progress:

(Changed images to links for space)

Character Thumbnail Sketches:

Weapon Thumbnail Sketches:

I like dude 3,5,7, - 2,5,6, for weapon choices, looking forward to this one seems like a cool idea so far.

Hey man nice silhouettes you got here :smile: curious to see how you proceed! Not too sure which character I'd choose, but weapons I really like #4 and #5!

28 days later

Unfortunately I'll have to throw in the towel on ArtWar for the moment. Was fairly busy with moving houses and taking care of life, which set me back by around three weeks. I figured instead of rushing this character, I should take the time to do a practice character sculpt, then follow it up by sculpting this Ulric.

So for now he's taking a backseat but I'll return to him soon.

Good luck to everyone else in ArtWar 😁