Name: Hajir Gharib
@Twitter: N/A
Hello everyone,
Here is my first attempt for "ARTWAR challenge"
I am joining the Fantasy side and building my character based on the choices listed below:
- Personality: INFJ (Introversion - Intuition - Feeling -Judgment)
- Gender: Female (more feeling, less aggression)
- Power: Wisdom / Mind control (eyes closed => third eye glow => aiming with staff)
- Defend: using staff
In the briefing of ARTWAR, the chosen hero/side has to bring peace, while regarding the evidences in world, war (as attacking the other side) has never brought peace. Therefore in our open virtual world I will try to approach the war from a different perspective.
In my mind:
- Peace has no weapon (as a damaging tool)
- Peace has no race (equality - using yin yang to show )
- Wisdom and spirituality is the key (chakras - third eye - etc)
Feedback is more than welcome