Hello fellow artists!

I'm kinda new here, I always wanted to participate in an art contest like this so I'm really looking foward to start working on it!

I'm going to side with the fantasy team, with a doll summoner with added creepyness

basically she's going to be some kind of soul stealer, who does notonly capture the soul of her victims, she also puts the soul inside a faceless doll, which will take the shape of that person darkest fears.

I think its a cool idea, at the beginning I wanted to think in something sci-fi related, but fantasy is just so much fun!

regards, I will start posting stuff soon!

update with an early sketch of the character

Looks Awesome, i Hope to see the particles in 3D too, Good luck! Nice concept :grin:

I like the concept and story, carry on. :wink:

Love it, are you going to make all those little creatures also?
That would be badass.