i know i'm kinda late to the party but why not give it a shot anyway
this is my concept of an oooooold character i used to play when i was hooked on NWN (the original from bioware).
so, who is she?
she's a :
-weapons master
-dark knight like character (emo. i know :P)
-pale with raven like hair
-sharp features
-strong with mid\low agility (sorta like Pharah from overwatch)
-well disciplined
-elegant in appearance
- main weapon is a great sword (will be posted soon)
-evil but not insane like the joker... more like batman/vegita (lawful/neutral evil like.. for us DnD nerds :P)
anyway, she's evil so why no spikes or skulls?!
that's because i wanted to not go for the obvious ... will it work? who knows but i'm gonna try. usually the "lion" is depicted as noble and good. however, i wanna see if i can make it something dark.
i'm gonna be going for a very realistic style mostly because i haven't done something of the sort in aaaages and i feel like challenging myself with this contest.
lastly for this post, i have and will continue to stream most of my work on twitch for this project. i really like the "must post wips" rules and i will do so without flooding this post but if you feel like dropping by to say hi and watch for a bit, please feel free to do so
twitch channel