@peresus I'm not quite sure what you meant about giving it an "edge". But I looked at some dog sketches to see how I could improve.
@michaellklimenko Thanks! haha, yeah, he'd be like the rogue's black market ally. lol
So far, I modified the head. Started on the base sculpt, and aleady doing some design tweaks to it.
I had to show off my sculpt when I started because it happens everytime. I always go through an ugly phase when I start out in Zbrush. I had to understand that I always start with an ugly phase, so I could learn to ignore how ugly it was and continue working. XD
@Seimax Thanks! I saw your duck knight too! Part of what inspired me to join up. I was wondering if animal fantasy characters was something other people was doing.
@itseffindan Thanks Dan! Good luck to you too! Saw your progress on Twitter, and it was looking awesome!
This is looking fun! I really dig the proportions and silhouette of the concept.
Regarding the early "ugly phase" -- I used to have this problem too, and it can be discouraging. I recommend trying different ways of blocking things out if you find things aren't starting too strong in your mind working in ZBrush alone. My current workflow actually starts me in Maya for primitive organic block-in, then pulling those blobs into ZBrush for establishing forms (Move Topological brush is great for this), then dynameshing things together to later ZRemesh. I feel I have much more control over my forms before things get too refined, and it prevents the uglies. Hope this helps.
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