Love the silhouette and armor shape design of this one, looking forward to seeing more!

OMG f*** ! The head is awesome. the rest too.

Man based off of what you got so far plus the examples of armor you're drawing inspiration from? Yeah I'm really interested to see where you go with this. Subscribed ~ :smile:

The Shoulder are so freaking awesome.
I thinking the Strong silhouette works great.

cool character, one thing i notice: you could scale up her sword a bit, to give some more weight

@aveon : Thx! I just wonder if i will have the time to finnish her, I dont have that much sparetime atm

@independhans : Thx alot!

@bloecher : Thank you, Yes, the sword could be a bit bigger for sure, this is just a placeholder, I dont know if she will have a sword, maby iI´ll give her a mace or something more brutal instead =)

the sword could be indeed a little bit bigger, please finish her :smile:

Holy crap ! I dont come often enough on this thread. Love it. One of my fav at this stage ! Killer work on the armor sculpt... and :heart: the charadesign !

not sure about the heels, but the collar, very cool!!

@macloegler : Nhaa, i dont like them either, I´ll continue experimenting. The collar might stay, but I´ll do some changes to it =)

dude this is looking super sweet, i hope ubisoft hire you after this to work on dragonage 4. loving the character dude

28 days later

Hey everyone, I´m sorry to say that I´m out of the contest. Life got in the way and i wont be able to finnish the piece in time. i will finnish her but not as a entry for the contest. I wish everyone else best of luch and it will be so much fun to check out all the entrys! =)
