Small Update, worked the weapon more. I think this is as far as I will take it and I'm gonna sit on the idea and see how I feel after a day or two.

16 days later

Well Christmas break is over and after talking with a friend and thinking it over I'm scrapping my original idea and kinda just winging it.

I did a paint over the 3d model I have, I was playing around with mech stuff, but I'm thinking im going to drop it, going pure fantasy. I will start posting more 3d or my entry might have to become a 2d entry. heh

Quick question, I tried looking on the requirements for entries, but other than some screenshots it doesn't seem like anything else is required. Are we just making a high poly sculpt or a game rez asset, if so what are the restrictions?

the proportions remind me of darksiders, looks really awesome!

Really cool however i don't feel like demon is the route to take with this challenge, either way the design is really cool and i like the arm being a blade.

Update response for below i think you might catch it:

Just word on the net, usual go to and has been too over done, especially by current learners. Suppose that if it is done very well it might come across better, You can do it (obviously) I just feel it is a meh category.

Jeebs: Thanks! Darksiders is one of my favorite games.

Zyp: Why is that Zyp? I've re-read the rules a couple of times, seems pretty open ended.

Sculpt is looking awesome man, can't wait to see more.

RogerP: Thanks!

DragonicSculptor: This what I have so far, still a work in progress.

"Saphan was anything but a champion. Born a mutant of his kind with poor sight and a warped arm, he was forced into isolation where he grew even more bitter against the perfections of the world. Decades of imprisonment left him beaten, abused, and despondent along with the rest of the untouchables he dwelled near. Hate grew fierce in his heart: hate against his race, hate against himself, hate against technology and anything perfect. It was hate that started a war, and hate that would end it."

whoa this guy is scary, i would not mess with it! Great work? does he have a hand holding another hand?

Solid design choices. The stylized look feels good. Probably push it more to create more energy and weight.

Really good details!

12 days later

Still trying. modeling done, on to a quick retopo to make the painting and rendering easier. I'm still a bit unclear on the rules, as I understand them I could just poly paint this and call it done? There are no polycount limits or texture limits, just some pictures are required?

11 days later