Hello there ! I'm new on Cubebrush and french, so don't be too cruel with me :wink:

My Champion will be fantasy/sci-fi. An Hydrib of a ''Yoda'' and an insectoid due to a slow mutation from an insectoid parasite living on his back.A kind of dark jedi fighting for the last stand of his ancient species( Parasites ).The host was initialy an ''Yoda', like creature but taller. It was before he died fighting the Xavalons in the pool of Xarkness.

Defeated by the General Xava'Thar in person; the champion was left for dead in the marecagous pool of Xarkness. A legendary pool of Powers hidding in his hearth, a crystall who can power the hell itself. Has General Xava'Thar won and was leaving the pool with his fresh new crystall; his second, wich is an dark knight, step onto the dead corpse and leech away his soul for a final humiliation. Putting the stone on the grave for no comeback. Black Magic or Not.

This is what they tought.
But MotherNature is a ********* , we forget it too many times.

In facts ; the Pool of Xarkness was hidding two things. A Thing who can turn an hell on you.

If you reside in the States of North Dakota, Vermont, Connecticut or Maryland in the United States, the Province of Quebec in Canada, or Queensland, Victoria or the Australian Capital Territory in Australia, you are not eligible to participate in this Contest.

Has i am from Québec, i suggest i'm really pissed off to be excluded from all contest !

Might have something to do with a legal thing with gift sending or something like that, not specifically anything against those area's but i am not associated with the contest holders.

We all feel bad that, would be community members can't participate, sorry this does suck though i wouldn't jump to attacking the contest hostess (to anyone else reading) we don't know what is the story behind this.

If nothing else you can still participate but not submit and use this as a wip thread? or at least you all should be able to so you are still participating though not eligible for the prizes with a mark on the thread stating this.

Is that a thing? it should be, with a Bold red mark on the thread title separating entries of users who will want critiques towards the work they put in as like you a user whom is enthusiastic about the contest yet are not eligible for prizes.

Sry i am fired up as well this eliminates a lot of potential hopefully 2nd contest will bring about some sort of situation where everyone can participate.

Best of luck either way, if you do still want to participate i'd bring what i mentioned above to the hostess attention somewhere where you all can discuss things further.

I liked the idea if nothing else you can still do this on the side on a polycount thread for critiques.

What made me really frustrated; Québec offer the best rules and subventions has well has taxes and R&D reductions over the World for the video-games industry ! But we still have no recognitions for millions if not billions $$$ we give to the video-game industry. And ! We are excluded from all contests because an 0.5% of the prizes. The contest holders have to fill a form 30 days before the contest and pay to ''Régie des jeux et des courses du Québec'' a 0.5% of the total value of the prizes. In shorth 0.5% x 5 000 = 25$ USD to made 8 millions of people eligible from an internationnal contest. 25$ / 8 000 000 = 0,000003125$ per person.

If in one hand; 8 millions of Québécois give millions in taxes saving for at least 20 years for the video-game industry but in other hand can't recieve a dammit 25$ USD from it .... How you would feel threated if it was you ?

That does suck, like i said i am on your side, I see the issue, perhaps next time they will allow all to participate, they must not have made the payment in-time and rushed for the holidays to get a contest together? and the payment wouldn't have made it on time?

I would be angry, again i am not associated with the contest hostess.

Was being sympathetic to the situation as a whole, good luck.

This might be newly added but if you have family in the states you can enter:

Note that while you might not be eligible, there are always ways to have a friend or family member in an eligible region enter for you.


I'm not angry against you and thank you to share my sadness and frustrations.

I'm not angry at Cubebrush or the contest holder either. I'm pissed off of an systematical exclusion of all Québécois from a majority of contest, pretexting this an fees issues, wich is not. In short i'm pissed of against a situation who seem not really touch enough person. Maybe we must be blacks or arabs to be defended accordignly ? Defending our rights has High Contributors of the video-game and film industry to be appart of the contests of the video-game and film industry. Seems legit and logical ? No ? Do you love X-men, Assassin Creed, Splinter Cell, Jurassic Park and mostly a big % of all nice movie and AAA games ? They all made in Québec city and Montréal ! That ironic ; we hire the best artists over the world to work in Québec. But artists in Québec can't win an internationnal contest. Exeptions artists from Québec who are not born in Québec and have family outside. You kidding me ...... This is not tasting somewhat something racist ? Oh, no; it's an fee issue of 25$ USD over 5 000$ USD prices. Or maybe each time they have not enough time to fill the form. 15 times in a row. Sound plausible.

All my family and real friends live in Québec. My family found and build the Canada (Québec, 354 years ago: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehan_Gauvin) so we have no needs to go somewhere else. I have friends over the world but nothing really serious has family who i can use has ''Loan Name''. Most of them are gaming friends or work full-time in Japan.

Video gaming in Canada

80% of all Canadian game studios are located in Quebec, British Columbia and Ontario.[3] Quebec is the largest producer of video games in Canada, housing 29.4% of all game studios (14 of which are large companies) and has annual expenditures of $1.14 billion.[3] Vancouver is the second largest, with 27.1% of companies residing in the province (4 of which are large companies) and spends $576 million annually.[3] The third largest video game producer is Ontario, which has 22.9% of all game studios (3 of which are large companies) and has annual expenditures of $264 million.[3]


The video game industry here has a long history: Québec has been earning a reputation for its creativity and innovation in the field since the 1980s. In 2016, there were some 230 companies operating in the video game industry and related fields. Employment in the industry has grown exponentially in recent years, with the number of jobs increasing tenfold since 2002.In 2016, more than 10,000 people were employed in Québec’s video game industry.Montréal is the world's fifth-largest video game centre, after Tokyo, London, San Francisco and Austin.


Refundable tax credit for up to 37.5% of eligible labor expenses.


Excludind the third largest video-game industry and the fifth-largest video game centre, after Tokyo, London, San Francisco and Austin.

How you would end with that ? It's plainly incomprehensive, delay, fees or not ? It's like excluding Elvis from an Rock and Roll contest for a 100$ fee. What the heck ?

I will fight for ours rights.

People say don't vote Trump but in other hand; what they do ?