Hello there ! I'm new on Cubebrush and french, so don't be too cruel with me
My Champion will be fantasy/sci-fi. An Hydrib of a ''Yoda'' and an insectoid due to a slow mutation from an insectoid parasite living on his back.A kind of dark jedi fighting for the last stand of his ancient species( Parasites ).The host was initialy an ''Yoda', like creature but taller. It was before he died fighting the Xavalons in the pool of Xarkness.
Defeated by the General Xava'Thar in person; the champion was left for dead in the marecagous pool of Xarkness. A legendary pool of Powers hidding in his hearth, a crystall who can power the hell itself. Has General Xava'Thar won and was leaving the pool with his fresh new crystall; his second, wich is an dark knight, step onto the dead corpse and leech away his soul for a final humiliation. Putting the stone on the grave for no comeback. Black Magic or Not.
This is what they tought.
But MotherNature is a ********* , we forget it too many times.
In facts ; the Pool of Xarkness was hidding two things. A Thing who can turn an hell on you.
Dec 22, '16
last reply
Dec 24, '16